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Cerryson Agro Science

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Virus Control 100

Virus Control 100 , our best bet against all kinds of Viruses

Virus Control 100 Plus is a bio product made from various organic compounds, several herbs and various salty and acidic ingredients.


Prevents virus infection in plants and destroys viruses, helps to increase the plant's immunity against viruses, new leaves gradually grow healthy and infected plants turn healthy.



It helps to cure Different kinds of plant viruses such as PRSV (papaya ring spot virus), LCV (Leaf curl virus), Yellow Mosaic Virus, Tobacco Virus, Chili Leaf curl virus, Tomato Leaf curl virus etc.


  • CROPS - Papaya, Chili, Tomato, Capsicum, Cucumber, potato, bitter gourd, tobacco, red gram, Sponge gourd, cluster bean, citrus fruits, Watermelon, Okra, Muskmelon, Flowers.

  • INSECTS/ DISEASES - Leaf Curl Virus, Mosaic Virus, Ring Spot Virus and all other crop viruses.

  • MODE OF ACTION - Foliar Spray

  • DOSAGE - 5 GM/Liter or 1KG/200 Liter Water + Acetamiprid 20% SP : 1 GM/Liter Water

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Cerryson offers fresh, high-quality products sourced from local farmers. By supporting us, you support sustainable agriculture and small-scale farmers in your community.

Latest Information

Explore our wide range of horticulture products, including our flagship product Virus Control 100. Our products are specialized for treating every variant of plant virus like PRSV, Leaf Curl Virus, Mosaic Virus, Ring Spot Virus, etc. Click here to browse our products and find the perfect solution for your gardening needs.

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Our Mission

At Cerryson Agro, we are committed to providing the highest quality horticulture products to our customers. Our products are designed to help you grow healthy and thriving plants, free from any kind of virus or disease. We believe in sustainable farming practices and strive to promote organic, local food production.

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20 - Industrial Estate, Dheerkhera , Meerut ( U.P.)


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20 - Industrial Estate, Dheerkhera , Meerut ( U.P.)

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